
Reasons Every Marketer Must Build Network in Online Communities

Nowadays the usage of mobile devices such as tablets, cell phones, and computers is more vital than they are with TVs, that's where people are going to find the information they want. This changed our user's responding to information that is being fed to them to use and choosing which type of media they want to consume now.

There is no choice of whether to do with Social media rather how well we can influence it in your business is matters. Businesses take that advantage of changing markets. The business that is adapting to it can grow faster. Statistics from the consumer group tells that business that is taking advantage of the web community and taking social networking source for doing online advertising were able to grow 40% faster.

Online community platforms start showing what they are doing in a visual aspect which is much more powerful. Using short posts, GIFs, videos, etc. under micro blogging platform makes short and sweet guide for manipulating small businesses.


Regardless of the businesses of any size you are in, the objective will be increasing the revenue and decreasing costs. A exclusive online communities will achieve both the objectives. By Strategically following any two to three online community platforms, you can yield the greatest return of your investments.

Increased exposure: If youstop advertising your brand to save money its like you are stopping your clock to save time.People will often choose brands with what they are much familiar with, thereby continuous exposure to the brands through online Ads or by blog commenting results in Customer retention and invite new customers.

Develop loyal fans: Fans aren't created at a moment, they find created by the moments you create for them over time. After a person finds, hears about you or attracted towards you give them a quick win, something within 15 minutes you can offer them a particular content you have to give them, that they didn't have before that, reinforces them in the right place. Psychologically, people getting rewards will come back often to get more and more rewards.

Bring your online community together because it allows you and your customers were talking to each other. If they find other people just like them they won't leave. Things can be made by simply going to your online social networking such as Instagram or twitter account to find somebody who said thank you for something you have offered send them a quick video by conveying your regards will blow their mind.

Provide market place insight: Definition for insight is a revelation that is hidden in plain sight that gives as the basis for what we are looking for a statement that changes how we view a problem. Insights of internet's favourite thingswill lead the business ahead in the path of growth and success.

Generated leads: When it comes to generating social media leads, quality often matters more than quantity. 90% of people trust recommendations than brands even if they don't know them personally. The best platform for online groups lead generation is by holding a social media contest. Ask participants to share whatever information you'd like to learn for entry level. Broaden the reach of your contest by teaming up with an influencer or brand partners.

Increased thought leadership: A increase in the followers in the social media platforms helps to establish yourself as a thought leader. The likes, share, comments, posting trending topics that you make in someone line of vision will reach you to the vast audience.

Grew business partnerships: Having partnerships is like standing on the shoulders of a giant to see further. Building positive relationships in business is one of the most important foundations for success.

Improved sales: By turning loyal customers into brand advocates and by proper engaging of customers the sales of the business can be raised reaching to the target. In online shopping making followers into buyers the business can be encouraged.


We have to admit that online communities show a new dimension in the business world. Over 60% of the businesses earn new customers through recommendations over this platform. Online communities are good for work on branding and establishing loyal relationship thereby making them inevitable in business world.

What is graphyti

graphyti is an online community and group based micro-blogging and social networking service

It allow users to create various kind of post and share and interact with other users. When you like a post, pin them to receive notification over any activity on that post. You can also recommend a post to your followers or share to other groups and community.