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4:14 pm, March 21, 2023

Overlooked soft skills you need to put on your CV
Though often overlooked, these crucial career skills are in high demand. Have you forgotten to include them in your job application?

Writing a CV is all about selling yourself. So, it makes sense that when considering what to include in ours, many of us jump straight to the most obvious examples of success. Targets met, projects delivered, promotions awarded; of course, all of these things have their place on a CV. But there may be a whole range of important skills that you’re missing out, simply because they feel innate.

LinkedIn knows a thing or two about how to score a killer job, and the careers platform has given some brilliant advice on which skills we should be highlighting when trying to catch the eye of an employer.

You may already know the difference between soft and hard skills, but if not, here’s a little rundown. Soft skills are more about the way we are as people, as opposed to the actual tasks we’re able to complete in a role. For example, being a people person and having the ability to relate to and work easily with colleagues would be a soft skill, while being able to shoot and edit video content would be a hard skill.

It’s true you couldn’t, for example, apply for a job in computer science without being trained in the relevant programmes, but as LinkedIn’s research shows, hard skills aren’t all employers are interested in. In fact, there are five soft skills in particular that are soaring in demand.

The soft skills of particular interest at the moment are creativity, persuasion, collaboration, adaptability and emotional intelligence – all skills that demonstrate how you work with others and bring new ideas to the table.

Below, LinkedIn tells us a little more about what each one really means, and why it’s so valued by companies.


Companies need people who can creatively approach problems and tasks across all business roles, from software engineering to HR. Focus on honing your ability to bring new ideas to the table in 2020.


Leaders and hiring managers value individuals who can explain the “why”. To advance your career, hone your ability to effectively communicate ideas and persuade your colleagues that it’s in their best interest to follow your lead.


High-functioning teams can accomplish more than any individual — and organisations know it. Learn how your strengths fit with your colleagues’ to develop the best way to reach a common goal.


The only constant in life, and in business, is change. To stand out in 2020, embrace that reality, bring a positive attitude, and maintain open-minded professionalism in stressful situations.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, evaluate, and respond to your own emotions and the emotions of others. New to the top most in-demand skills list this year, the need for emotional intelligence underscores the importance of how we respond to and interact with our colleagues.

There are lots of ways to improve soft skills, and generally your ability to bring your best self to work. Spending more time on your creative hobbies outside of work is said to improve your performance in the office, as does enjoying a support network of other women in your industry and even giving your mind a break with short bursts of daydreaming.

But to help with these skills specifically, LinkedIn is offering a range of free online training courses that directly relate to improve creativity, persuasion, collaboration, adaptability and emotional intelligence. They will be available to view online until the end of January, giving you enough time to nail the application for that dream job.