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8:02 am, March 10, 2019

How Lord Shiva could be an Extraterrestrial
Ancient history is loaded with stories of beings from other worlds, flying objects and accounts of highly advanced technology. This goes far beyond mere ‘imagination’ and folklore simply because there is too much evidence, in multiple forms, that we are being visited and have been visited before.

Another example about possible extraterrestrial figures in ancient lore is the story of Quetzalcoatl. This figure was considered to be mythical tale. Spanish chronicler Juan de Torquemada states that Quetzalcoatl was ‘a fair and ruddy-complexioned man with a long beard.’ Another describes him as follows: “A mysterious person…a white man with strong formation of body, broad forehead, large eyes, and a flowing beard. He was dressed in a long, white robe reaching to his feet. He condemned sacrifices, except of fruits and flowers, and was known as the god of peace…When addressed on the subject of war he is reported to have stopped up his ears with his fingers.

Again, there are stories like this throughout history, from various time periods across several cultures. Why would multiple civilizations around the world construct such a design when then had no contact or knowledge of each other? Why so obsessed with the pyramids, and why don’t we hear about all of them, like the Bosnian Pyramid Complex? The only cogent answer to all these questions is the simplest, as expounded upon by the ‘extraterrestrial interpretation.’

Why ‘Interpretation’?

The only reason the ancient extraterrestrial narrative is labelled as an ‘interpretation’ is because the findings are so significant and so paradigm-shifting, that it’s hard to accept as truth. Cognitive dissonance sets in. It’s similar to how the Church labelled scientists as heretics, only not as harsh.
New information that threatens the current paradigm of thought, no matter how compelling, has always faced ridicule and suppression by our supposed “intellectual authorities.” One thing is for certain, nobody should offer an opinion on this matter until they’ve looked into the phenomenon themselves and have familiarized themselves with the information. If not because of outright ignorance, these stories are not given credence because there is an intentional effort to hide them by those in the know, those in power. And so the most important truths and facts about our world are rarely presented to us above board. Most of the time they can only be discovered if we actually have the urge to dig around to find it, and digest it with an open mind. Otherwise we give our minds over to mainstream perception manipulation that still goes largely unnoticed today.
It’s still a difficult pattern to break, especially for a subject that we know has an “official campaign of secrecy and ridicule” (Hiellenkoetter, CIA) attached to it. Many people have been employed by the CIA and other agencies to do nothing other than debunk, ridicule, and spread misinformation about these matters. However, the information is growing so rapidly these misinformation efforts are losing their previous effectiveness. And as we come to better understand the truth about extraterrestrial presence today, it becomes much easier to look back into the past, to the many great and fantastic accounts written, and see them as real-life descriptions of extraterrestrial encounters.


Of the millions of Hindu Gods, none is more important than Shiva–The Great Destroyer. Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest this powerful being that possessed flying machines, incredible weapons, and had supernatural abilities may, in fact, have been the leader of an extraterrestrial faction that came to Earth wielding advanced technology. And the evidence, they say, comes not just from the incredible stories of the ancient Vedic texts, but is also carved in stone throughout the Hindu world. Shiva, who was considered to be a God by the people in ancient India and even the Mountain where he supposedly resided, is full of evidence suggesting high intelligence most likely from another place. He provides multiple points cited in Shiva’s story that have him arrive at that conclusion.
Shiva was surrounded by friends who were odd looking, different, and not human. Most of the time they were described as demons by the people, simply because they looked different. Shiva could also not impregnate a human woman in the traditional way, because his alien sperm did not work. His children were born in a different way. He explains how multiple non-human women were brought in to help with the process.
There are multiple references in ancient literature explaining how Shiva is not human, and even describes a vast intelligence that must have been behind the creation of Mount Kailash, a mountain attributed to to Shiva as being his home and also that Kailash isn’t a place on Earth, either.

More From Ancient India

Ancient Indian lore is fascinating from the extraterrestrial perspective. In the Mahabharata, Vimanas are described. Vimana is a Sanskrit word that has multiple meanings, usually referred to as the palace of a god or an emperor, a sort of vehicle. Today the word means aircraft.
One Veda epic that dates back to the the fourth/fifth century, B.C describes a Vimana as a “chariot that resembles the sun, that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will, resembling a bright cloud in the sky, and the king got in and the excellent chariot rose up into the higher atmosphere.” ( Von Daniken, Erich, Chariots of The Gods)
In the Mahabharata, measurements are even given for one of the Vimanas. It’s described as having twelve cubits in circumference, with four strong wheels, approximately 20 to 25 feet in circumference, and about seven feet in diameter. (Mahabharata VIII.31.80)
“They roar like off into the sky until they appear like comets.” The Mahabharata and various Sanskrit books describe at length these chariots, “powered by winged lighting…it was a ship that soared into the air, flying to both the solar and stellar regions.” (Von Daniken) Perhaps this is how Shiva travelled?
Another interesting story that comes from the Mahabharata reveals the history of the “unmarried Kunti,” who not only received a visit from the sun god but also had a son by him, a son who is supposed to have been as radiant as the sun itself. This matches stories in numerous ancient texts in numerous cultures and religions, stories of ‘gods’ interbreeding with humans, like the story of Moses, or like Gilgamesh, or Arjuna in the Mahabharata, or the Nephilim in the Bible (a few of many examples). It also eerily correlates to abductions of modern day, forced abduction as well as friendly extraterrestrial encounters that many people report today.
There are commonalities everywhere even from different accounts. There could probably be thousands of books written on this subject alone, it’s vast, and hard to understand. But there is one thing in common, a theme that’s continued till throughout this day, and that’s people coming from elsewhere.

The Takeaway

The idea that we are not alone in the universe has been subjected to vast amounts of secrecy. Within the past few years, the tip of the iceberg has emerged in the public domain in the form of witness testimony, video footage, pictures, and radar tracking reports. This subject is no longer taboo, and nobody can really deny the fact that that there is legitimate, abundant evidence that we are being visited, and have been visited for a long time. It’s an important subject that, as I’ve said before, leaves no aspect of humanity untouched and has tremendous implications in all fields.
When it comes to ancient history, archaeology and anthropology, there is no shortage of evidence and information. The problem is, it’s largely been ignored or brushed under the rug due to social stigmatization. Take the field of anthropology, for example. UFOs should be a staple in academia, especially in that field.