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12:43 pm, March 6, 2019

Did the Anunnaki create Hindu Civilisation?
It all began with the theories of Zecharia Sitchin, who wrote extensively about human origins that involved space and its forces. He wrote about the 12th planet ‘Nibiru’ which moved clockwise, unlike other planets that moved anti-clockwise. It is because of the collision of Nibiru with other planets that resulted in the creation of Earth.

Many historians believe that the origin of Hinduism dates back to 5,000 or more years and it is the result of several Indian traditions and cultures. However, Zecharia Sitchin has delved deep into the world’s oldest living religion and proposed the theory of Anunnaki, the deities belonging to the Mesopotamian culture, i.e., Babylonian, Sumerian, Assyrian and Akkadian. The Anunnaki were the first demigods to have inhabited and colonised this Earth and mined out gold from the land. Many researchers nullify this as a myth, but this has been mentioned in many civilisations, and especially in ancient Hindu civilisation in the scriptures of Ayurveda.

A strong similarity has been derived between Hindu gods and Sumerian gods, which makes one think if Anunnaki had a relation with Hinduism, or if Anunnaki themselves were Hindu gods. The patterns of technology, architecture, doctrines and wars show the existence of the Anunnaki as real creatures or beings.

Studies revealed that after the last ice age, the Anunnaki returned to the Earth and built territories or colonies across the Earth. One such colony was the Indus Valley, which was presented to the grand-daughter of the first being in command, Enlil. This is where the linkage of Hindu civilisation with Sumerian begins. Inanna, the granddaughter of Enlil decided to begin a civilisation in the Indus Valley. The Aryan race got its derivation from the mixed breed of Anunnaki and humans- Aryan got its meaning from `Ayur` (life) and `an` (sky) i.e., the ones who live in space. The Aryans were brown-skinned which is often said to be the result of crossbreeding between African and the Mesopotamian civilisations.

Sitchin researched that Inanna the warrior princess raised the Hindu civilisation and that she is the same as Goddess Kali in Hindu faith. The taming of lions is evidently common in sculptures of both Kali and Inanna.

There are many other similarities between the Anunnaki and Hindu civilisation such as:

A similarity has been drawn between the Trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (the one who rules from above, the creator of the world, and the destroyer respectively) and the Anunnaki trio of Enki, Anu and Enlil.

Vishnu is identical to Enki. Vishnu created the nagas and the daanavas– the humanoids that are similar to `Neliphilim.`

The body of a man, head of an elephant. Lord Ganesha is considered the creation of Enki, the Sumerian God.