Did Hitler fantasize himself as Jesus Christ

Adolf Hitler was convinced he was the Messiah and openly admitted fantasising about himself as Jesus Christ, secret CIA files reveal.
Declassified documents reveal the Nazi leader was nurturing dreams of being the second coming in his formative years before becoming the Fuhrer.
Hitler was labelled as having a “Messiah Complex” in a secret 68-page personality profile compiled by US spies in 1942.
Intelligence files marked "top secret" by the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) – a forerunner to the CIA – were described as a "biographical sketch” of the Hitler for Washington.
The documents were penned almost exactly one year after the US joined World War 2.
It has an entire section detailing Hitler so-called Messiah Complex and includes an anecdote in which Hitler told pals he imagined being Jesus.
The OSS file was sent from Dr Henry Field, a top aide for US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, to Major John McDonough on December 3, 1942.
Files held by the CIA appear to be from a retransmission one year later which was requested by Major McDonough, with Dr Field urging him to keep the documents under lock and key.
It carried the message: "Since I am partly responsible for the security involved. I must call attention to the special maintenance of secrecy.”
The file contains a full breakdown of Hitler"s personality, interests, physical fitness, diet, religion and his sexuality.
It paints him as a self-obsessed, sexually inept, and angry man – who would of course go on to commit some of the worst atrocities in history under his twisted vision of the Third Reich.
Hitler is described in the documents as repeatedly comparing himself to the Messiah – often to the frustration of friends.
It explains how the Nazi leader began to see himself as the Messiah who dreamed of cleansing Berlin which he saw as a “Babel of sin”.
The CIA document explains Hitler had dreams of being “Germany’s future Messiah”.
And in a large section dedicated entirely to Hitler’s obsession with this idea of a Messiah, it describes him as seeing himself as a “demigod”.
“Hitler's growing tendency to identify himself with the .Messiah is shown in an incident which occurred in the spring of 1923,” the file reads.
Hitler is said to have addressed rumours about his personal life by describing his only “true bride” as Germany.
The oil continues: “To anyone familiar with Christian literature the reference to Christ's true Bride, the Church, comes to mind.
“This makes absolutely clear Hitler's self-identification with the Messiah.
“Thus it is seen that Hitler's conception of the Messiah is not Christ crucified but Christ furious. Christ with a scourge.”
Hitler’s pal Ernst Hanfstaengl made the connection later that the Nazi leader viewed himself as the Messiah after this speech.
It is claimed that in the early 1920s as he formed the Nazi Party is when Hitler developed this view of himself as a Christ-like figure.
“Hitler as early as the summer of 1923 began to talk of himself as the scourging Messiah of this world,” the file reads.
And one anecdote which is cut off due to missing pages of the documents, describes Hitler telling Hanfstaengl about fantasising about being Christ.
“I was almost beside myself. I nearly imagined myself to be Jesus Christ,” Hitler is reported to have said.
OSS profilers suggested this Messiah complex bled through into this politics and his sex life.
Hitler’s views on Christianity have been subject to debate for decades by historians – but in his book Mein Kampf he identifies as a Christian.
He was raised as a Roman Catholic but frequently expressed anti-Christian views – which is backed by the profile in the CIA files.
The dictator was said to also identify himself with John the Baptist and use quotes from St Matthew as he developed his mad vision.
Nazi chiefs rolled out “Positive Christianity”, which mixed in their racist ideologies and elements of the Bible.
Part of its twisted ideology was to claim Christ was an Aryan and rejected all Jewish-written parts of the Bible.