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2:10 pm, December 9, 2018

Our dreams may be glimpses of an Alternate Reality
Man has been trying to solve the mystery of dreams since time immemorial.

We are all running after the true meaning of these dreams to understand what our mind is trying to tell us or if they are beyond just our minds.

There have been records of people dreaming of future events and sometimes we find a lot of meaning in dreams that had previously escaped our attention. All this has made all of us wonder at some point or the other, if dreams are a window to an alternate universe.

This general spirit of enquiry about dreams is not something characteristic to modern researchers; it existed in the time of our ancestors too, as we can find in ancient texts that Greeks and Romans believed that dreams were the way by which Gods communicated with the mortals and the Chinese thought that dreams are a portal to go into the land of dead.

Funnily, Native Americans and Mexicans believed that dreams are the way by which we travel to a different world. Egyptians held firm faith that the one who could make meaning out of dreams must be in possession of special powers.

The word dream itself has very old origins. By the grace of research and modern science, we know today that dreams are what goes through our minds when we are asleep. Dreams are not limited to visions only. They may include other senses like smell, touch, sound and so on. In this age of science, we know much about it, thanks to technology that has allowed scientists to look into our sleeping brains.

Now, let us talk about the Multiverse theory. Scientists have tried to pinpoint the location of a lot of particles in our Universe but have not found the source, so they have been becoming increasingly more accepting of this particular theory. The simple explanation for this theory is that the other realities just do not fit into this Universe.

Therefore, we can say that there is probably a Universe where Hitler did not perpetrate the Holocaust, a reality where fish can fly and a reality where you, reader, do not exist.

The general idea again is that you and your copy exist at the same time, but you exist in different realities and have no clue about each other. Both of you might be exactly similar or have huge differences, but the point is that both of these people are you.

In our dreams, we often see people, places that we have never seen or heard of and sometimes we even feel things that we have never felt. All of these things could be a glimpse of you in a parallel universe, where these things are happening and you are going to these places and feeling these things.

Either in this reality or in any other parallel world, you make decisions that cast a reflection in your dreams, which brings us to one of humanity’s oldest question: what is the meaning of dreams and why do some people dream about a future event? Are they a glimpse into a parallel universe or an alternate reality?

In the ancient Greek and Roman cultures, dreams were considered messages from the gods. The Chinese looked upon dreams as a gateway to the world of the dead, and the American Native tribes and Mesoamerican civilizations had no doubt that dreams come from a world they visit while their bodies are asleep.

Ancient Egyptians treated those who were able to interpret dreams with a great deal of respect, as they were convinced such blessed individuals possessed special powers.

Today we think of dreams as a projection of past events or emotional states that had a greater impact on our subconscious. But it would not be surprising to us that our dreams are a peek into another life where we live the existence we crave in this reality.

Sometimes we have colorful, vivid dreams and other times our dreams have a soundtrack (a familiar sound mostly). Mystics had a sense for the outer world, far from our plain of existence, where ghosts and spirits endlessly roam.

Nowadays, thanks to our advanced technology, scientists are able to take scanned imagery of the sleeping brain, to unravel the science behind the magic of dreaming. As for the metaphysical analog, the theory of parallel universes cannot be tested, at least so far, despite the extensive conceptual borders now enclosing more abstract assertions (and once metaphysical) like Earth’s spherical shape, invisible electromagnetic fields, time relativity, quantum superstitions, black holes and curved space. Now, the multiverse theory is appended to the list.

"The fundamental problem of cosmology is that the laws of physics as we know them break down at the instant of the Big Bang. Well some people say what’s wrong with that, what’s wrong with having the laws of physics collapse? Well for a physicist this is a disaster. All our lives we’ve dedicated to the proposition that the Universe obeys knowable laws, laws that can be written down in the language of mathematics and here we have the centerpiece of the Universe itself, a missing piece beyond physical law," Dr. Michio Kaku says.

People often experience a recurring dream about a place they never visited, or even heard of. Perhaps such dreams are glimpses from what one experienced in a parallel universe.

We dream of events that will take place in the future, sometimes without even realizing we have any memory of that foretelling dream. Such dreams could also be incoming images from an alternate world where you are living a different life.

Who knows, perhaps some of our most special dreams are a window into a parallel universe. This is of course pure speculation, but without speculation and scientific curiosity we will never be able to learn more about the secrets of the Universe and our reality.

We can express it as cosmologist Max Tegmark once said: "When we ask a profound question about the nature of reality, do we not expect an answer that sounds strange? Evolution provided us with intuition for the everyday physics that had survival value for our distant ancestors, so whenever we venture beyond the everyday world, we should expect it to seem bizarre."