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1:03 pm, December 7, 2018

Could there be UFO connection behind Flight MH370
In December 2013 Gillessen, et al. reported their latest assessment of the pericenter date for the G2 cloud, when it will be closest to the Galactic center. This was figured to be April 1st, 2014 ± 22 days . In the March 4th interview with Kerry Cassidy, the period from about March 10th to April 23rd should be a period we should be carefully watching what happens in the Galactic center in case a companion star or planet is torn away from the primary star believed to be hidden within the G2 cloud, because 2 weeks after that there is as much as a one in 15 chance that a Galactic superwave will be arriving on our doorstep.

It is now very disturbing to hear that on March 8th, just prior to the beginning of this yellow alert period, Malaysia flight MH370 takes off and disappears in flight with no good explanation and no evidence of any wreckage! As the mystery deepens it has become the number one news story that media around the world has been reporting. If you Google this flight you will get over a billion webpage sites discussing it!

Now suspicion has begun to emerge that there may be a UFO abduction connection.

There are few things which don’t fit in with a typical crash. First there is the fact that people have called the cell phones of their loved one’s and they ring! In person reports even that his call was answered but then was disconnected. Cell phones don’t work if they are underwater. If they were underwater, they would not ring. However, as Alexander pointed out in the comments, a person calling a cell phone could hear ringing even when the cell phone is shut off. But this is not a general rule internationally. For example, when I shut off my cell phone and call the phone number, it doesn’t ring. I instead get a recording that there is no good connection with an offer to take a message. So the interpretation of the ringing depends on the particular service that the cell phone was using.

Also there is the unusual radar activity over Malaysia that is most disturbing of all. The media has been playing this down by simply saying that flight controllers have been unable to properly interpret the radar records. But according to the story by Steven Cook, while flight MH370 was in flight and just 250 km out from its departure airport, an UFO appeared on the radar map about 350 km to its southeast, transformed into a an apparent plane signal on the map, and then sped off to the northeast at about five times the speed of the other jets; i.e., at mach 3.5, only to come to a complete halt at the edge of the radar map and sit there motionless! At this time flight MH370 is about 330 km from its take-off location, and then after traveling just 20 more km (after the UFO has stalled out motionless), it also begins to momentarily stall out and make unusual jerk-like cuts to the left and right. These jerk-like flight corrections continue and then when the plane has traveled about 140 km from the point where these jerk-like flight cuts began, its altitude suddenly drops to zero, then at zero altitude the plane suddenly “shoots” 20 km forward along its previous northeast flight course at a speed of ~Mach 5, then continues forward for about 5 kilometers at its previous cruising speed (but again at zero altitude) at which point it vanishes into thin air! All these events from the point the jerks begin until the point the plane disappears would have transpired within the space of just 17 minutes!

No wonder the air flight controllers say that they are confused by what the records show. Now just because a UFO was hovering offscreen about 300 km east from where this inflight “struggle” took place does not mean that it could not have had an effect on the passenger jet. A microwave phase conjugate beam technology can create tractor beam effects that can reach even over distances of hundreds of kilometers. The unacknowledged U.S. advanced propulsion space program has had such technology for years which they developed in Project Skyvault begun just after World War II. The U.S. secret space program also has had hypervelocity space vehicles in operation for decades. So one possibility is that this was an attack on civilian aircraft technology to show the world how much superior this space program technology is. This though seems highly unlikely to me. I can’t imagine that even a secret space program would resort to such disgusting behavior. The other possibility which seems more plausible to me is that the hypervelocity craft off in right field was an alien vehicle. So if that is the case what would be the rationale of all this?

The idea that comes to mind, and to many this may seem totally off the wall, is that an alien race is planning to make a public appearance in a very highly publicized fashion. What better way to do this than to make a jet mysteriously disappear, which turns into the leading worldwide news story, and then at an appropriate future date make it safely turn up in a prearranged location with all people on board claiming that they were safely treated, and to do this with hundreds of media channels covering the location of its appearance. Maybe even with even a few UFOs hovering near by. Then we might imagine that the people will be interviewed and claim that the ETs are in fact very friendly and that they did this just as a necessary publicity stunt. The ETs will instantly have won the world’s admiration, not only because their stunt took a lot of guts, but because it was done in a very sophisticated way. Then perhaps this alien race will make their grande appearance and claim that they had to breach the Prime Directive in order to point out to us that we only have x number of days until the superwave arrives.

To embellish the above scenario, which some may view as a “flight of fantasy”, here is a quote from the book The Bermuda Triangle by Gail Stewart in which radio contact was instantly lost from the missing ship. Also in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, prior to the major close encounter event, a missing ship mysteriously appears in the Mongolian Gobi Desert and about the same time a torpedo bomber from Flight 19 which had gone missing in 1945 from the Devil’s Triangle suddenly appears in the Mexican desert.

Two jet abduction cases have been disclosed by Air Force. In one, a UFO flew into New Mexico and captured an F101 fighter jet that was on a test flight. The UFO was clearly seen on radar to join up with the fighter jet at which point it then flew off with the jet. The Air Force searched thru the night and into the next day looking for the downed aircraft but none was found. The next day the UFO came back at the same location and dropped the jet. Again clearly seen on radar, and the jet flew into the air base and landed. A second incident happened over Lake Michigan. A large UFO seen on radar flew in over top an Air Force fighter jet and abducted it also in the same manner. Except this time it did not return with the plane or pilot.

Another news story that surfaced March 11th, claims that the flight was seen momentarily on Malaysian military radar over the island of Pulau Perak. This is in the middle of the Straight of Malacca. This implies a major U turn from its previous course if true. There is also a conflicting report from an Indonesian oil platform worker who claims he saw a fireball in the sky about 75 km away in the direction of where the plane first disappeared. But if that is the case, why has wreckage not been found at that location?

Well the latest finding is that the airliner continued southwest into the southern Indian Ocean until it ran out of fuel off the western coast of Australia.