an>Late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs
famously dropped out of college and went on to build one of the most
successful and iconic companies in history. But before his
entrepreneurial days, Jobs was a kid in need of some extra cash. Next month, a job application that Jobs filled out in 1973 will sell to the highest bidder through Boston-based RR Auction.
Jobs would have been 17 or 18 when he wrote the application, though the
position and company he was applying to are unclear. The auction house
estimates the document will sell for at least $50,000, despite it being
creased and stained with a bit of tape stuck to it. The information he provided on the one-page document features
grammatical errors, though it shows that Jobs knew tech skills were his
strong suit even from a young age, although he specified his major as
“english lit” on the application. Under “special abilities,” Jobs
wrote “electronics tech or design engineer. digital. -- from Bay near
Hewitt-Packard [sic].” He also wrote “yes” next to “Computer” and
“Calculator” and wrote “(design, tech)” below those categories. The moral of the story? Well, we're not altogether sure. It
could be that Steve Jobs was really sloppy and inattentive to direction
in his youth. (Or that the application shows signs of his rumoured dyslexia.) But
the real message here is that if you want something badly enough, it
doesn't matter how many spelling mistakes you make, or how many
embarrassing failures you've had along the way. If you're
determined and you believe in yourself, anything is possible, and you
should never feel down or ashamed or hopeless when life doesn't go your
way. As the man himself famously said in his beautiful, inspiring, and epic Stanford commencement address: "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life… Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish."